January 2022 - Present
Gainesville, FL, USA
I will be leading the RoboPI group with the research focus of developing novel and improved robotics systems for autonomous inspection, surveillance, and long-term monitoring applications.
I am an assitant professor of the department of ECE, University of Florida, Gainesville. I recieved my Ph. D. degree (May 2021) from the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department at the University of Minnesota (UMN), Twin Cities. My research interests lie in robot perception and machine vision, particularly in the design and development of robust deep visual modules for near real-time use by underwater robots. I also explore research problems in the domains of applied machine learning, AIoT, and 3d computer vision. Check out some of my Ph.D. research projects and a list of publications [as of 2021].
At UF, I will be leading the RoboPI (Robot Perception and Intelligence) research group. My new (and updated) website will be here. If our interests align, please feel free to reach out and be connected.
I will be leading the RoboPI group with the research focus of developing novel and improved robotics systems for autonomous inspection, surveillance, and long-term monitoring applications.
I worked with the CR/RHI3-NA team (led by Dr. Liu Ren) on two research projects that focused on several perception problems for mixed reality and cloud robotics applications.
My primary role as a research assistant involves working on several projects at the
IRVLab and assisting in the field experiments
Additionally, I was a DDF fellow
and a DTC fellow in the 2019-20 and
2015-16 academic years, respectively
I was involved in preparing and grading assignments of the following courses:
- Spring 2018: Introduction To Intelligent
Robotic Systems (CSci 5551), and
- Fall 2017/16: Introduction to C/C++
Programming (CSci 1113)
I also held office-hours and conducted occasional
lectures on relevant materials
Major courses instructed by me:
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Structured Programming Language
- Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- Data Communications and Networks
- Numerical Methods and Applications
- Electronic Devices and Circuits
Supervised by Prof. Junaed Sattar
Machine Vision for Improved Human-Robot Cooperation in Adverse Underwater Conditions
Jointly supervised by Prof. Md. Monirul Islam
and Prof. A. B. M. Alim Al Islam
Thesis: Intelligent Dynamic Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs)
Supervised by Prof. Md. Monirul Islam
Thesis: Self-adaptive and Genetically Programmed Differential Evolution
I worked with the Glance team on a low-power computer vision project.
I worked with the AI group (Orthodontics team) on a couple of exciting projects.
On both the internships, I was involved with the design and customization of various computer vision and machine learning modules for real systems. I enjoyed the experience of learning how research work or white-board ideas get transformed into concrete features of actual products.
Dec 2021: Joining ECE, University of Florida as a tenure-track Assistant Professor this Spring!
Nov 2021: Ended a wonderful 5-month tenure working at BOSCH RHI3 team as a Research Scientist (@Sunnyvale campus).
Nov 2020: Our SVAM pre-print is out; accepted at the RSS 2022. [more]
July 2020: We presented Deep SESR paper at the RSS 2020 (virtual). The workshops and technical sessions were really good.
June 2020: Our SUIM-Net paper got accepted at the IROS 2020. We look forward to present it either in Las Vegas or virtually (more likely).
Feb 2020: Our FUnIE-GAN paper is published at the RA-L. It is my fourth journal paper, and perhaps the most favourite one. [I.F.: 3.61]
Jan 2020: Our SRDRM paper got accepted
at the ICRA 2020. We are going to present this in Paris
virtually (guess why!).
Oct 2019: Our extensive review paper on person following by autonomous robots is published at the IJRR. [I.F.: 6.134]
Sept 2019: Back to school after my internship at Qualcomm; had a great experience at work and a summer well spent in the Bay Area.
Apr 2019: Received the prestigious Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF) award for 2019-20 academic year.